

Dual monitors

For about two months I have been using dual monitors and I have to say that it is great. Most of the time I have a web page open on the left and my email, Skype, or a document open on the right. Studies show that using two monitors increase productivity by an average of 50%. That's quite a margin. I feel like it helps me to do things quicker like writing a paper because I can have a webpage open and read it while having my paper open and typing into it.
However there are drawbacks to a dual monitor setup. Gaming on dual monitors is practically worthless. For starters a lot of games will not support it. Next you will need a powerful graphics card to run the game on both monitors with any sort of decent framerate. Lastly first person shooter games look stupid because the gap between the edges of the screens is in the middle of your view. This is extremely irritating to look at, not to mention difficult to play with. Its like walking around holding your hand in front of your face edgewise from your nose. Sure you can see everything thing, but you have to think about what you are looking at.
All in all dual monitors are great, but you will have to disable one when you fire up a game.