

yahoo pops is dead but...

For the longest time I have been a yahoo mail user. i don't particularly like yahoo, but I've had it for so long its hard to get rid of. I hate using webmail because thats a pain especially if you have more than one email account. So I use Mozilla thunderbird and yPops to receive my yahoo mail into my inbox (for free!). If you want official yahoo pop3 support you have to pay.
For the last couple of months I have not been able to receive my yahoo mail because yahoo updated something that causes yahoo pops not to work. Today I was browsing the internet for a solution to my problem and a came across an extension for Mozilla Thunderbird called Webmail. Apparntly you can recieve emails from yahoo, hotmail, lycos, and many other popular webmail services. It was fairly easy to setup and now I can receive my yahoo mail into my thunderbird inbox. Now the next thing to try is hotmail.

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