

Migrating from Ubuntu to Freenas

Over the weekend I decided to rebuild my home network.  My NAS machine has been running Ubuntu server 14.04 for the past year hosting a 6TB ZFS array over the network.  I became bored of using Ubuntu on this machine so I switched to FreeNas.  I've used FreeNas in the past and it worked quite well.

I was afraid that installing FreeNas would nuke my entire storage array, so I backed up the important stuff to some external hard drives.  Installing FreeNas (version 9.3.1 at the time of this writing) took less than ten minutes, which was fortunate for me because I had to stand on a stepladder in my freezing cold garage to do this. 

Much to my surprise, the ZFS volumes created under Ubuntu were detected and imported successfully by FreeNas.  I just love it when technology actually works the way it should. 

No rebuilding necessary!!

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