

Keep your OSX workspaces in order

As an OSX user I frequently divide my work up into multiple workspaces.  I keep my email and chat program open on one, IDEs in another, and my browser in a third.  This is especially handy when working without a second monitor, because I can effortlessly swipe between workspace without having to click around to find my windows.

This system works really well until OSX decides to help me out by rearranging my workspaces automatically.  Expecting that my IDE is always to the left of my browser workspace, I swipe left only to find that my email and chat windows are now there.  This can get really annoying when I have 5 or 6 workspaces open, as I end up playing hide-and-seek with windows.

Thanks Mission Control, but I don't need your help.
Fortunately, the solution is simple.  Go into System Preferences >> Mission Control and uncheck the option for "Automatically rearrange Spaces based on most recent use".  Now you can arrange your workspaces without OSX trying to outsmart you. 

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