

Chainload chimera with grub

If you want to dual boot your hackintosh with Linux using grub to select the operating systems, add the following lines to the 40_custom file and rebuild the grub menu.

menuentry "Mac OS 10.7 loader"{
set root=(hd1)
chainloader +1

The "40_custom file is located at "/etc/grub.d" .  To update the grub menu, run "update-grub" from terminal.  Once you run the update script, you will want to remove or comment out the other Mac OS entries that grub finds, as these will not work. (OS X needs chimera to boot from a normal BIOS.)

This scenario works only if you have Linux and grub on one hard drive and Mac OS on another.  Substitute  (hd1) for whatever hard drive you are running Mac OS from.

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