

A quick rant

Occasionally I have to register as a new user on website in order to use their services.  It makes me mad enough that I have to register, because the site is too backward to use a Google or Facebook login. Then they force you to come up with a very secure password in order to proceed. After you type your very secure password twice, then they make you read some text that looks like it came from a page in a book that a cat pissed on.  These are called CAPTCHAs.  Lastly, you must check your email ink inbox for a verification link.  All of that is actually fine by me.  What truly enrages me is when the site after all of those security measures sends you a welcome email containing your username and password.  This practice is on the same level of horrible security as keyhider rocks and passwords on sticky notes.  This is the kind of thing that makes me want smash my face on my keyboard.  If you own a website, please do not send people their passwords over email!!

1 comment:

dodiedee said...

I have always hated that practice.