

Empire Earth (the original)

Halo 3 has gotten really old. Last Year about December it was a Christmas present. I have played it so much I am really sick and tired of it. So I decided to dust off my copy of Empire Earth. I bought it during the spring on eBay along with its expansion pack, The Art of Conquest. The boxed set is called Empire Earth Gold Edition. I introduced a friend of mine to the game. He seems to like it well enough. The graphic detail is not bad for a game made in 2003. In fact the game seemed popular enough that Sierra Entertainment made a Empire Earth 2 and 3. I haven't played either of those however. Empire Earth features a vast array of units, buildings, and heroes spanning 15 different ages. I personally like the space age the best, because it has the most units and seems to play out the quickest. The stone age takes forever to build up a sizable force, and by the time you do the enemy seems to build some towers which are way to powerful and nearly impossible to destroy and easily decimate any army you bring. The middles ages are somewhat better, because you finally get access to some siege weapons and cannons. In the space age you can choose to fight in the air, over land, floating in water, or in the vacuum of space.
If this sounds like fun to you, try and find yourself a copy online, or maybe just buy one of the newer versions of the game.

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